Dan Gagnon, P.Geo.
Director, President & CEO
A professional Geologist, Mr. Gagnon, who is from and lives in Timmins, brings over 30 years of experience in geology and general management from a wide range of operations across Canada. His extensive responsibilities have included all aspects of the mining operations of a number of companies, including operations, milling, maintenance, engineering, mine geology, administration, health safety and environment and community relations, ensuring the effective and profitable use of available resources and facilities. Most recently, he was General Manager and then Vice President Operations with Harte Gold Corp, where he helped to optimize the operation at the Sugar Zone Mine in White River, Ontario. He was also Senior Vice President of Operations for Lakeshore Gold. Dan started his career in geology, ending after 13 years as Chief Geologist at Musselwhite Mine in Ontario. Over the following 17 years, he worked as General Manager at a number of Canadian operations, including TMAC Resources’ Hope Bay Project in Nunavut, Canada. Mr. Gagnon holds a Bachelor of Science with Specialization in Geology from the University of Ottawa.
VIEW PROFILE +Demin (Fleming) Huang
CFO & Corporate Secretary
Mr. Huang, CPA, CMA, has over 20 years of administration and corporate finance experience in different industries, including resource exploration. Prior to his current role, he held various management and accounting roles with multiple companies and has been involved in a variety of transactions in resource exploration and utility industries, including financings, acquisitions, joint ventures, mergers, and divestitures.
VIEW PROFILE +Officers & Directors
C. Fraser Elliott
B.A., B. Comm., Chairman
Since 1987, Mr. Elliott has been the President of CFE Financial Inc., a private investment banking company. From January 1, 2005, Mr. Elliott was Chief Financial Officer of Tangarine Payment Solutions Corp. a public company, which he listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. He arranged the successful sale of the business in March 2009. From 1998 to 1999, he was VP – Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of Vital Retirement Living Inc., a public company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange. He has been a director of VRL since 1998. He is presently a director of one other public company, Sylogist Inc., listed on the TSX Venture exchange.
VIEW PROFILE +Dan Gagnon, P.Geo.
Director, President & CEO
A professional Geologist, Mr. Gagnon, who is from and lives in Timmins, brings over 30 years of experience in geology and general management from a wide range of operations across Canada. His extensive responsibilities have included all aspects of the mining operations of a number of companies, including operations, milling, maintenance, engineering, mine geology, administration, health safety and environment and community relations, ensuring the effective and profitable use of available resources and facilities. Most recently, he was General Manager and then Vice President Operations with Harte Gold Corp, where he helped to optimize the operation at the Sugar Zone Mine in White River, Ontario. He was also Senior Vice President of Operations for Lakeshore Gold. Dan started his career in geology, ending after 13 years as Chief Geologist at Musselwhite Mine in Ontario. Over the following 17 years, he worked as General Manager at a number of Canadian operations, including TMAC Resources’ Hope Bay Project in Nunavut, Canada. Mr. Gagnon holds a Bachelor of Science with Specialization in Geology from the University of Ottawa.
MBA, Director
Professor-level senior mining engineer, MBA, with over40 years of experience in mining production and management, and rich international mining business, worked in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Peru etc. He worked as a Senior manager at Aluminum Corporation of China (“Chalco), China Metallurgical Group Corporation (“MCC”) and Jiangxi Copper Mining Company, includes, Senior VP at Chalco China Copper Co., Ltd, Chairman and CEO of Chalco Peru Mining Company, Deputy General Manager at couple international subsidies of MCC, Deputy General Manager at Jiangxi Copper and Mine Manager at Jiangxi Copper Mine etc.
VIEW PROFILE +Meirong Yuan
CPA, Director
Mr. Yuan has over 22 years of experience in corporate finance and has a Master’s Degree in accounting from Beijing business school. He is a chartered public accountant in People’s Republic of China. Mr. Yuan held the position of Chief Financial Officer of Wonder Auto Technology Inc. from 2006 to 2011 and has been Vice President of Fortune Futures Holding Limited since January 2014.
Graduated from Xi’an Institute of Metallurgy and Architecture with a major in mining machinery, Mr. Bai has extensive working experience in mining and mineral processing. He has served as a Mill Manager of the Chifeng Chaihulanzi Gold Mine, the deputy Mine Manager of Fuyuan Mining Co., Ltd., and the Project Manager of Burzize Mine in Albania. He is currently the mining supervisor of Inner Mongolia Yinshi Industrial Company.
VIEW PROFILE +Demin (Fleming) Huang
Director, CFO & Corporate Secretary
Mr. Huang, CPA, CMA, has over 20 years of administration and corporate finance experience in different industries, including resource exploration. Prior to his current role, he held various management and accounting roles with multiple companies and has been involved in a variety of transactions in resource exploration and utility industries, including financings, acquisitions, joint ventures, mergers, and divestitures.
VIEW PROFILE +Technical Team & Consultants
Bill Hosken
Mine Manager & Engineering Coordinator
Bill Hosken has over 20 years in the mining industry and is a graduate of the Haileybury School of Mines. He has held various positions with both junior and intermediate mining companies as well as contracting companies. His most recent roles prior to Gowest include management of technical services and project management.
Chief Geologist
Mr. Stavre is a professional geologist, registered in the Province of Ontario, and holds an Honours B.Sc. degree in Geology (Polytechnic University, Alb.). He has over 30 years of diversified and progressive geology experience in the exploration and mining industry.
VIEW PROFILE +Connor Ranger
HR/Safety/Training Manager
Prior to joining Gowest Gold in May 2023, Connor was the Superintendent of Human Resources at Argonaut Gold and was responsible for all Human Resources related matters as well as managing the lodging facility for the Magino Project.
VIEW PROFILE +Cassidy Sabourin
Environmental Technologist
Prior to joining Gowest Gold in April 2023, Cassidy worked as an environmental technician at IAMGOLD’s Cote Gold Project. Cassidy also worked as an environmental technician at Newmont’s many mine sites located throughout Timmins, with an increased focus on the Hollinger and Hoyle Pond sites.