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Other Properties
Tully North property
The Tully North Property is located 3 km northeast of the Bradshaw Gold Deposit and is comprised of one mining lease and one unpatented claim totalling 228 hectares. Drilling by Gowest in the 2012-13 winter has outlined a gold zone returning 5.01 g/t Au over 4.4 m, which is open to the southeast and depth.
Geology and Mineralization
The property is underlain by Kidd-Munro assemblage tholeiitic basalt flows and komatiitic peridotite flows with argillite to greywacke sediments in the south. Drilling by Newmont exploration in 1983 outlined a northwest trending carbonate zone in basalts on the south side of an ultramafic horizon and in association with a graphitic horizon. Gold intercepts of 7.1 g/t Au over 1.5 m, 1.65 g/t Au over 5.1 m, and 1.65 g/t Au over 1.8 m were reported from this drilling. The gold zone is characterized by disseminated arsenopyrite-pyrite cut by ankerite veinlets and hosted in a broad zone of carbonated-silicified basalts.
Gowest Exploration
In addition to the airborne survey, Gowest undertook an exploration drilling program in the Roussain Gold Zone on the Tully North Property consisting of six holes (2,401m) in February-March 2013. This program was geared to investigate historic reports of several gold values from drilling in the early 1980’s, which included a reported intersection of 7.1 g/t Au over 1.5m.
The recent Gowest results from the drilling have confirmed and exceeded the historic 1980’s assays. Four gold mineralized zones were identified in hole GW13-236 with the best gold zone returning 5.01 g/t Au over 4.4 m which included 12.00 g/t Au over 0.7 m. The wider upper gold zone is hosted within a pyritic sedimentary unit and the three other gold zones in carbonated-silicified basalts. These three zones, which includes the 5.01 g/t Au over 4.4 m are characterized by disseminated arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralization, which is a similar environment to that hosting the Bradshaw Gold Deposit. Hole GW13-238, located 250 m southeast and along strike of GW13-236, intersected several gold values that are interpreted as extensions of the gold zones in GW13-236. Two of the gold zones are open to the southeast and all the zones are open at depth below hole GW13-236, which penetrated the lowest zone at an estimated vertical depth of approximately 240 m.
Tully East Property
Gowest’s wholly-owned Tully East Property, which consists of six unpatented mining claims and one mining lease covering 2,187 hectares, is contiguous to and east of the Frankfield Property. The volcanic stratigraphy hosting the Bradshaw Gold Deposit, located 1.7 km west of the western border of Tully East, extends for 5 km along strike across Tully East.
Geology and Mineralization
The northern portion of the property is underlain by tholeiitic basalt flows of the Kidd-Munro assemblage and the central/southern portion is underlain by komatiitic peridotite flows of the same assemblage. The southwest corner of the property is underlain by sediments of the Porcupine assemblage north of the Gowan Intrusion, located to the south of the property. The sedimentary rocks are composed predominantly of fine-grained turbiditic sedimentary rocks with minor graphitic argillite and conglomerate horizons. The east-west stratigraphy is locally displaced by at least three late north-south cross faults. The northwest trending regional Buskegau River Fault (known to the south as the Cross Lake Fault) cuts the property volcanic stratigraphy just to the east on the Gowest’s contiguous Pipestone East Property.
The volcanic stratigraphy that is host to Gowest’s Bradshaw Gold Deposit appears to extend east on to the Tully East Property. This stratigraphy has a potential 5 km strike length on the property. In the south, Tully East contains a 6 km strike length of the stratigraphy hosting SGX Resources’ Timmins North gold deposit (NI 43-101 compliant Indicated resource of 362,090 tonnes at 8.0 g/t Au and Inferred resource of 592,000 tonnes at 7.3 g/t Au). Gold mineralization (1.30 g/t Au over 3 m) is reported from a 1974 drill hole in the southwest corner of the property and within the Timmins North stratigraphy.
Although a significant amount of exploration work has been conducted over many years on the property, only limited shallow drilling has been completed.
Gowest Exploration
The 2011 airborne survey was followed up later that year by a small Soil Gas Hydrocarbon Survey (SGH) over the southeast portion of the Tully East Property. A weak oval anomaly, 1,200 m long and 800 m wide, was outlined but interpreted to have no significant gold mineralization potential.
Beginning on February 7, 2012 Gowest undertook a month-long exploration drilling program consisting of five holes totaling 1,172 m, on the southeast portion of the Tully East Property. This drilling tested airborne electromagnetic conductors at or near lithological contacts thought to be similar settings as the Bradshaw Gold Deposit. Although the holes returned no significant gold values, they provided valuable information on the geology of the area. In early 2013, a shallow hole (225 m long) drilled 1.7 km east of the Bradshaw Gold Deposit intersected a mafic volcanic-ultramafic volcanic contact that appears to be the eastern extension of the deposit stratigraphy. The hole intersected anomalous arsenic values at the contact, but no significant gold values.
Gowest continues to evaluate the results of the 2011 airborne geophysical survey along with historical exploration results gathered along the two gold potential stratigraphy trends to help outline future drill targets.
Pipestone East Gowest Property
The Company’s wholly-owned Pipestone East Gowest Property, which was acquired by ground staking in several stages from 2011 to 2013, today consists of 21 unpatented mining claims (4,274 hectares). It is contiguous to and east of the Tully East Property, as well as north and south of the Pipestone East Main Property.
Geology and Mineralization
The regional Buskegau River Fault cuts the northwest side of the property to the west of the upper Tisdale (volcanic) assemblage, located in the northeastern part of the property. The latter is comprised of intermediate and felsic, epiclastic and pyroclastic volcanic rocks of calc-alkaline affinity. The upper Tisdale assemblage disconformably overlies the Kidd-Munro assemblage located in the central and northwest areas of the property. The Kidd-Munro assemblage on the property consists of tholeiitic basalt flows and komatiitic basalt to peridotite flows. These flows and the upper Tisdale volcanics trend in a northwest-southeast direction. The southwest portion of the property is underlain by sediments of the Porcupine assemblage northeast of the Gowan Intrusion, located to the southwest of the property. The sedimentary rocks are composed predominantly of fine-grained turbiditic sedimentary rocks with minor graphitic argillite and conglomerate horizons. No gold mineralization has been reported to date on the property.
Gowest Exploration
While Gowest has not conducted further work on the property since the airborne survey, the Company is evaluating those results along with historical exploration work on the property to outline future drill targets.
Pipestone East Main Property
The Pipestone East Main Property consists of 12 contiguous unpatented mining claims in Evelyn and Little Townships totalling 2,218 hectares. The claims are held by Gowest under a joint-venture agreement with Transition Metals Corp. Under the terms of the February 10, 2011 agreement, Gowest may earn either a 60% or a 75% equity interest in the claims, subject to various conditions. The property hosts a 7 km strike length of stratigraphy favourable for gold mineralization.
Geology and Mineralization
The property is underlain by northwest-southeast trending tholeiitic basalt flows and komatiitic peridotite flows of the Kidd-Munro assemblage. It is interpreted that the North Branch of the Pipestone Fault lies at the contact between the tholeiitic basalt flows and the komatiitic peridotite flows on the property. Gowest geologists believe that the Bradshaw Gold Deposit, located 10 km northeast of the Pipestone East Main Property, is on the North Branch of the Pipestone Fault. The Pipestone East Main Property covers a 7 km strike length of the North Branch of the Pipestone Fault.
Very little historical drilling has been carried out on the property due to thick overburden, which exceeds 50 m in some locations.
Gowest Exploration
The airborne survey over the property was followed soon afterwards up by a Soil Gas Hydrocarbon Survey (SGH) that covered the entire Pipestone East Main Property. The interpretation of the SGH survey results outlined a strong and large oval anomaly in the central portion of the Pipestone East Main Property that was interpreted to have good gold mineralization potential. This anomaly has an east-west strike length of approximately 4.1 km and a north-south width of 2.4 km.
A three-hole diamond drilling program totalling 1,291 m was conducted on the Pipestone East Property from March 7 to April 20, 2012. Hole GW12-212 targeted an EM conductor proximal to the Buskegau River Fault; Hole GW12-213 targeted the north portion of a large SGH gold anomaly coinciding with a magnetic low-magnetic high contact; and, Hole GW12-214 targeted central portion of a large SGH gold anomaly and a weak EM conductor. The holes returned no significant gold values but Hole GW12-213 intersected strongly carbonate-sericite altered volcanic rocks about a quartz vein zone, which is encouraging for gold mineralization.
Gowest is evaluating the results of its exploration work on the property to outline future drill targets.
Pipestone West Property
The Pipestone West Property consists of 15 unpatented mining claims (1,085 hectares). They occur as four groups, located in Gowan, Prosser and Wark Townships. The claims are held by Gowest under a joint-venture agreement with Transition Metals Corp. Under the terms of the February 10, 2011 agreement, Gowest may earn either a 60% or a 75% equity interest in the claims, subject to various conditions. The eastern claim block in Wark Township covers part of the western extension of the stratigraphy hosting SGX Resources’ Timmins North gold deposit.
Geology and Mineralization
The Prosser claim group is underlain by a northwest striking sedimentary unit (~50 m wide) within mafic volcanics of the Kidd-Munro assemblage. The Gowan claim group is underlain by an east-west striking felsic-intermediate volcanic sliver (50-75 m wide) in Porcupine assemblage sediments. The southeast half of the eastern Wark claim block is underlain by Porcupine assemblage sediments and the northwest half by tholeiitic basalt flows and komatiitic peridotite flows of the Kidd-Munro assemblage. The contact area between the Porcupine and Kidd-Munro assemblages is the western extension of the stratigraphy hosting SGX Resources’ Timmins North gold deposit. The contact trends east-northeast and runs for about one km along the claim block. The western Wark claim block is underlain by Kidd-Munro assemblage tholeiitic basalt flows and komatiitic peridotite flows along with sediments in the southeast. It is possible that the North Branch of the Pipestone Fault and the Bradshaw volcanic stratigraphy may trend through the northern part of the claim block.
Gowest Exploration
In 2011 and 2012, geochemical soil gas hydrocarbon (SGH) surveys were conducted, on all four claim blocks to evaluate their gold mineralization potential. The interpretation of the SGH survey results outlined one to three anomalies on each of the four claim blocks. They varied from having weak to strong potential for gold mineralization. Gowest is evaluating the results of its exploration work on the property to outline future drill targets.
Gowest Whitney Property Property
The Gowest Whitney Property consists of nine patented claims (mining and surface rights) totalling approximately 144 hectares. It is located in the centre of the Timmins Gold Camp, 10 km west of downtown Timmins, Ontario and 25 km south of the Bradshaw Gold Deposit.
Geology and Mineralization
The property is contiguous with and adjacent to Lakeshore Gold’s Temex Whitney Property, which hosts a NI 43-101 measured and indicated resource of 708,600 oz Au (3.2 million tonnes at 6.85 g/t Au at a 3 g/t. Au cut-off grade). The Hallnor Mine (1.7 million oz Au), the highest grade (13.71 g/t. Au) past gold producer in the Timmins Gold Camp, is located on the Temex Whitney Property 1 km southeast of Gowest’s Whitney Property.
The property is underlain by mafic volcanic and ultramafic volcanic rocks and appears to host the northwest extension of the Hallnor Fault from the Hallnor Mine. It has had limited past exploration and is underexplored especially at depth. The most recent exploration on the property was conducted in 2010 by Crown Minerals Inc., which drilled six short holes (1,100 m) that intersected anomalous gold mineralization. Its close proximity to the Hallnor Mine and other rich gold deposits makes it a prime area for further exploration.
Gowest Exploration
Gowest is currently compiling all available geological and geophysical data covering the property to select targets for future exploration programs.